Discovering Small Towns USA

Hi there, our names are Jodi and Alex, and this is our travel blog. 

Red Stone Rocket, Warren, New Hampshire
Red Stone Rocket, Warren, Hampshire

Our approach to travel is a little different; but ensures that we end up finding undiscovered gems, and an Aladdin’s cave of lesser-known places, off the beaten track. 

Think road trips and the great places that you find on that adventure.

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The Mission Of Discovering Small Towns USA

At Discovering Small Towns it is our mission and goal to put small towns back on the map! Take a journey with us as we visit small town tourist hot spots and highlight the neighboring small towns that you have probably never heard of.

Freedom Crossing Monument, Lewiston, NY
Freedom Crossing Monument, Lewiston, NY

Not Your Average Vacation

Often times our small towns get over looked for big city adventures. If you want to get away from the noise, lights and hustle of the city then small town USA is the place to go!

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More About Us

If you’re more interested in finding somewhere that isn’t heaving and super commercialized, we might just be the people to help you find it.

Our blogs specialize in places away from the crowds; places that you may never have heard of, that each offer something of intrigue and interest. Read More……