Meet The Discoverers

Hello!! We are Alex & Jodi. We met in 2011 and have been inseparable ever since. We spend our free time discovering small town USA.

We both grew up in small coastal towns in Maine. In fact, we spent most of our lives in neighboring towns on the same peninsula, had a lot of the same friends but had never met until later in life.

Hudson River Sign, Riparius, NY
Hudson River Sign, Riparius, NY

We also both come from commercial fishing families and Alex is still a commercial fisherman. During the summer months you will find him up before the sun and on the boat ready to catch lobsters for all the hungry tourists. In the evening and on the chance that he takes a day off we like to just get in the car and drive. We have found some pretty neat towns that.

Jodi has a background in accounting and business management. In her free time you will often find her driving to some place you have never heard of to hike up a mountain you didn’t know was there. You will occasionally find her on the deck of Alex’s boat with a fishing pole in hand.

Hudson River From Riparius Bridge, Riparius, NY
Hudson River From Riparius Bridge, Riparius, NY

Alex has always been a wandering soul. As we say here in Maine, “it’s the fisherman in him.” He doesn’t really care where he is going just along as he is going somewhere.

What We Are For

We are for discovering something unique. We are for long treks into the unknown to find something beautiful, that feels like an experience that few others have had.

If you’re more interested in finding somewhere that isn’t heaving and super commercialized, we might just be the people to help you find it.

Our blogs specialize in places away from the crowds; places that you may never have heard of, that each offer something of intrigue and interest.

What We Are Anti

We are anti long queues, overhyped destinations, box-ticking style travelling that leads you feeling just as fried out when you return from your trip as before you left. 

We believe that travel can be done differently, in a way that is more organic and true to how many of us would have travelled before the boom of airline travel and Instagram hype.

To get in your car and travel along the roads brings a certain kind of freedom that we really value.

Port Clyde, Maine
Port Clyde, Maine

How We Became Road Trip Enthusiasts

They say that everything happens for a reason, and that certainly seems to be the case for us. As Jodi has dealt with anxiety most of her life, cramped planes, chaotic tourist spots and the hype and stress that comes with big city travel, it is not something that suits us as a couple.

We take a different kind of route: we opt for the great open country roads, to take in the spectacular scenery that the USA has to offer. We like to feel the wind in our hair, to understand what it truly is to explore, on our own terms. 

The result? We know how to take you on a new kind of adventure that you’ve probably never experienced before. The people, the places, and the sights you get to see along the way are not to be missed – so buckle up, and let’s do this.

What You Can Find In Our Blogs

We look to give tips on the best routes to take to get to know small town USA, and the gems that it has to offer. We also look to offer advice on how to travel well with anxiety and to bring a unique perspective to the travel blog world.

Lake Champlain Looking Towards New York Mountain Ranges, Vermont
Lake Champlain Looking Towards New York Mountain Ranges, Vermont